Teams participating at the IKA/Culinary Olympics 2020 in Stuttgart enjoy an exclusive discount at the rental car company Sixt.
The IKA/Culinary Olympics 2020 in Stuttgart is getting closer and the team’s preparations are progressing – and not only in the kitchens. Hotel rooms are rented and flights are booked. Regarding the car rental, teams competing at the IKA/Culinary Olympics benefit from an exclusive discount at the car rental company Sixt. Transporters can be hired and picked up via the station Stuttgart Vaihingen. If interested, teams can ask for the customer number and password via the German Chefs Association (VKD) and book directly via credit card at Sixt. The earlier, the more choice is still available and the cheaper are the prices.
Verband der Köche Deutschlands e. V.
(German Chefs Association)
Tel. +49 69 63 0006 – 0